We want to thank all of our workshop facilitators for offering additional resources to further transform and decolonize pedagogy!
Featured in: How to Facilitate Difficult Conversations in the Classroom
Dr. Kevin Nadal: www.kevinnadal.com
Crenshaw, K. (1989). Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A Black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory, and antiracist politics. University of Chicago Legal Forum, 1989, 139–67.
Sue, D. W., Arredondo, P., & McDavis, R. J. (1992). Multicultural counseling competencies and standards: A call to the profession. Journal of Counseling & Development, 70(4), 477-486. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.1556-6676.1992.tb01642.x
Sue, D. W., Rivera, D. P., Watkins, N. L., Kim, R. H., Kim, S. & Williams, C. D. (2011). Racial dialogues: Challenges faculty of color face in the classroom. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. 17, 331-340. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0024190
Tervalon, M., & Murray-Garcia, J. (1998). Cultural humility versus cultural competence: A critical distinction in defining physician training outcomes in multicultural education. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 9(2), 117-125. https://doi.org/10.1353/hpu.2010.0233
Featured in: The Microintervention Workshop
Sarah Alsaidi: www.sarahalsaidi.com
Sarah’s workshop focused on practicing the strategies laid out in this article:
Sue, D. W., Alsaidi, S., Awad, M. N., Glaeser, E., Calle, C. Z., & Mendez, N. (2019). Disarming racial microaggressions: Microintervention strategies for targets, White allies, and bystanders. American Psychologist, 74(1), 128-142. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/amp0000296
Learn more about microaggressions:
Sue, D. W. (2010). Microaggressions in everyday life: Race, gender, and sexual orientation. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
Contact Sarah Alsaidi with questions about consulting and workshops: https://www.sarahalsaidi.com/workshopsandconsulting
Featured in: Teaching at CUNY During Pandemics and Uprisings:
UPCOMING EVENT: Teaching and Researching Transnationally: A Decolonizing Praxis! November 20th 5 – 7 PM EST
Link for RSVP

Transnational Decolonial Network – https://sites.google.com/gm.slc.edu/tesanda
Anzaldúa, G.E. (1987). Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza. San Francisco, CA: Aunt Lute Books.
Fleming, C. M. (2018). How to Be Less Stupid About Race: On Racism, White Supremacy, and the Racial Divide. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
Hammond, Z. (2014). Culturally responsive teaching and the brain: Promoting authentic engagement and rigor among culturally and linguistically diverse students. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
hooks, b. (1992). Representing whiteness in the Black imagination. In L. Grossberg et al. (Eds.) Cultural studies. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 338-346.
hooks, b. (1994). Teaching to transgress. New York, NY: Routledge.
hooks, b. (2000). Feminist theory: From margin to center. London, UK:Pluto Press.
Jackson, R. L. (1999). White space, white privilege: Mapping discursive inquiry into the self. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 85(1), 38-54.
Leonardo, Z. (2004). The color of supremacy: Beyond the discourse of ‘white privilege’. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 36(2), 137-152.
Love, B. L. (2019). We want to do more than survive: Abolitionist teaching and the pursuit of educational freedom. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
Bianca C. Williams – Anthropologist
Williams, B. C. (2016). Radical Honesty: Truth-telling as Pedagogy for Working Through Shame in Academic Spaces. In F. Tuitt, C. Haynes, & S. Steward (Eds.). Race, equity, and the learning environment: The global relevance of critical and inclusive pedagogies in higher education, pp. 71-82.
Featured in: Dismantling Oppression in the classroom
Dr. Yvette DeChavez https://yvettedechavez.com/
Also consider these additional resources:
Dr. Erica Hsiung Wojcik in APA division (35) Psychology of Women has collated this amazing resource of articles by BIPOC
Adams, M. & Bell, L. A. (Eds.). (2016). Teaching for diversity and social justice: A sourcebook (3rd ed). New York, NY: Routledge Press.
Bhatia, S. (2017). Decolonizing psychology: Globalization, social justice, and Indian youth identities. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Comas-Díaz, T. & Torres Rivera, E. (Eds.) (2020). Liberation psychology: Theory, method, practice, and social justice. In Liberation psychology: Theory, method, practice, and social justice. American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/0000198-000
Freire, P. (2014). Pedagogy of hope: Reliving pedagogy of the oppressed. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
Walter, M., & Andersen, C. (2016). Indigenous statistics: A quantitative research methodology. New York, NY: Routledge.
Featured in: Bringing World Politics into the Classroom
Academics for Black Lives Survival and Wellness website
Recommendations for anti-racism consultants
Adaptation of “Decolonize My Counseling Psychology Syllabus” Special Task Group members (Anneliese Singh, Elizabeth Cardenas Bautista,
Germán Cadenas, Della Mosely, and more Special Task Group members who were inspired by Yvette DeChavez to do this work and includes feedback from Christopher Busey) A checklist for decolonizing your syllabus
Surviving and Resisting Hate: A toolkit for people of color by Dr. Hector Adames and Dr. Yayeli Chavez-Duenas
Dr. Della Mosley – Survival and Wellness website has SO many resources. Pearis and Victoria mention the action plan (workbook) that you can access by subscribing (half-way down the homepage), or use this link from the preworkshop video: https://www.dellavmosley.com/
Mosley, D. V., Hargons, C. N., Meiller, C., Angyal, B., Wheeler, P., Davis, C., & Stevens-Watkins, D. (2020). Critical consciousness of anti-Black racism: A practical model to prevent and resist racial trauma. Journal of Counseling Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/cou0000430
Loveland Therapy Fund providing free counseling for Black women and girls
Boris L Henson Foundation providing free counseling for African Americans
Psychology of Radical Healing Collective – Psychology today blog
Chavez, F. R. (2021). The antiracist writing workshop: How to decolonize the creative classroom. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books.
African American Policy Forum led by Kimberlé Crenshaw
Follow Dr. Anneliese Singh’s (president of APA 17) initiative on decolonizing the syllabus
Additional Resources
Vianna, E., & Stetsenko, A. (2017). Expanding student agency in the introductory psychology course: Transformative activist stance and critical-theoretical pedagogy. In Obeid, R., et al. (eds.). How We Teach Now: The GSTA Guide to Student-Centered Teaching. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology, web site: https://teachpsych.org/ebooks/
Stetsenko, A. (2017). Science education and transformative activist stance: Activism as a quest for becoming via authentic-authorial contribution to communal practices. In Lynn Bryan and Kenneth Tobin (Eds.), 13 Questions: Reframing Education’s Conversation: Science (pp. 33-47). Peter Lang.
Stetsenko, A. (2020). Transformative-Activist and Social Justice Approaches to the History of Psychology. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology.
Vianna, E., & Stetsenko, A. (2014). Research with a transformative activist agenda: Creating the future through education for social change. In J. A. Vadeboncouer (Ed.), Learning in and across contexts: Reimagining education (Vol. 113, pp. 575–602). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Stetsenko A. (2014). Transformative activist stance for education: Inventing the future in moving beyond the status quo. In T. Corcoran (Ed.), Psychology in Education: Critical Theory~Practice (pp. 181—198). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.
Stetsenko, A. (2020). Research and activist projects of resistance: The ethical-political foundations for a transformative ethico-onto-epistemology. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 26, 100222